From the National Foundation of Credit Counseling (NFCC):
For many Americans, owning a home is the American dream.
If homeownership is your dream, too, it can become a reality, but not without realistic goals, sound advice, careful planning, and a clear understanding of the costs involved. But it doesn’t end with buying a home. Indeed, owning a home can be even more challenging.
The NFCCÂ Member Agencies offer the following kinds of housing counseling:
Pre-purchase counseling: A housing counselor will sit down with you to work through and evaluate the home buying process and ensure that you understand the mortgage lending process and the financial commitment you are about to undertake.
Foreclosure Prevention: A housing counselor will work with you, examining your financial situation, and offer guidance on how best to avoid default or foreclosure. Working together you will explore different ways to resolve your mortgage situation and help keep your part of the American Dream.
Reverse Mortgage: Our certified housing counselors provide seniors with information regarding HECM (home equity conversion mortgage). Or reverse mortgages. Information is presented in one-on-one sessions so that clients receive the information they need to make an informed decision while also avoiding predatory lending practices.
NFCC Members, often known as Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) or other names, can be identified by the NFCC member seal. This seal signifies high standards for agency accreditation, counselor certification and policies that ensure free or low-cost confidential services. NFCC Member Agencies can be reached in person in communities nationwide, on the phone toll-free at (800) 388-2227, or online. The NFCC national office is located in Silver Spring, Maryland.